Sentence - Responsive Blog and Portfolio

Nov 1st Update: we have updated the framework folder across all of our WordPress Themes for security and new functionality! Read more about the Changes at the bottom of the Page. Updating is highly recommended!
Sentence is a responsive Blog and Portfolio Theme (try resizing your browser), suited for users who want to run a professional or personal blog and in addition to that want to showcase their work on a neat portfolio site.
The Theme is built on top of the fabulous Avia Framework and comes with a plethora of options so you can modify layout, styling, colors and fonts directly from within the backend. 15 predefined skins (which are easy to modify from your backend), font and color options will help you create the Website you need in no time.
SEO (Search engine optimization)
The theme is built with SEO best practices in mind. It uses semantical valid HTML code and CSS so search engines can index the content of your site with ease. Important content is always placed before unimportent in your source code (eg: Blog Post content before Sidebar), Headlines are wrapped in heading tags (h1, h2, h3 etc) to signalise their importance to search engines. The site also uses heavy internal site linking, which is also of vital for search engines (related posts, primary and secondary navigation menus, footer navigation, etc) With this Wordpress Template you are well equipped to get a high google ranking and attract visitors to show them your fantastic work
Key Features Overview
- Translation ready with mo/po files
- Responsive designs that addapts to smaller devices (iphone, ipad)
- Responsive Slideshow that is optimized for mobile devices (hardware accelerated CSS3 slider)
- Post Format Support: Standard, Gallery, Link, Quote, Image, Video
- Multiple Slideshows possible. You can add one to each post, page or portfolio entry
- 15 predefined skins, easy to edit and modify. Any number of skins possible
- Supports Videos from any major video hosting service
- Visual Shortcode editor with preview function
- Custom Widgets like: Combo Widget, Recent News, Recent Portfolio entries, Advertising, Twitter, Twitter + RSS follower count
- Color picker options for any number of gorgeous color settings.
- Unqiue Sidebars for each page/category possible
- Extensive User Manual and professional theme support by me and my team to fix any kind of problems
- Growing community in our support forum: 4500 registered users, 5300 Topics, 25000 Posts. We do care that your site works!
- jQuery 100% unobtrusive wich degrades gracefully if javascript is turned off
- Contact Form Builder: Modify your contact form from your backend: add/remove/modify the available inputs, textareas, dropdowns and checkboxes
- Code built with SEO best practice in mind
- PSDs included
This is a responsive theme, able to adapt its layout to the screen size of your visitors. (try resizing the screen and see for yourself) The Slideshows for this theme are also touch enabled and hardware accelerated, which means they are working super sleek on mobile device like ipad or iphone
Support and Documentation
The theme comes with an extensive help file with videos to help you understand how it works. If you encounter any problems or have questions once you purchased the theme feel free to drop us a notice at
We have 4500 registered members that often help out faster than we can. Nevertheless you will always recieve a response from me or my support team. More than 25000 Posts show that we do care that your site works fine
A short notice: The reasons I have chosen to use my own forum are quite simple:
- Themeforest support threads are not searchable. Since most questions are asked over and over again a searchable forum will greatly enhance your experience since the answer to your question might already be there.
- Second Reason: people cant respond to each other at themeforest to help each other out, which often happens on the support forums.
External scripts and resources used:
- lightbox plugin
- Portions of Iconsweets2 Icon set
- Portions of Iconset Discovery
- Portions of Web Injection Icon Set
- flickr creative commons library pictures by: codyR, kretyen, mescon, obskura, freya23, amir K, Tambako the Jaguar, jaeWalk
- Some images purchased on
Update: 2014 August 27This release ensures WordPress 4.0 compatibility and fixes by making our framework ready for the latest jQuery version
Please update - file: style.css - folder: framework2012 01 11 Version 1.5(updating at least the framework folder is highly recommended due to a security issue that was pointed out to us, and that is now fixed)
Files that changed:file: Style.css - updated version numberfolder: framework: Updated to the latest framework version - improved security by filtering search parameters - improved contact form to work better with cyrillic languages - import dummy data now has a security prompt if you really want to overwrite your current settings - improved twitter/rss widget to work even if feedburner api is downfolder: js: updated several scripts for better ios usagefile: incldues/comments.php: added ID to comments list for hastag links to work properly
Stay up to date:
Last Update | 18 April 16 |
Created | 13 March 12 |
Widget Ready | Yes |
Compatible Browsers | IE7, IE8, IE9, IE10, IE11, Firefox, Safari, Opera, Chrome |
Compatible With | WPML |
Software Version | WordPress 4.4, WordPress 4.3.1, WordPress 4.3, WordPress 4.2, WordPress 4.1, WordPress 4.0, WordPress 3.9, WordPress 3.8, WordPress 3.7, WordPress 3.6, WordPress 3.5, WordPress 3.4, WordPress 3.3 |
ThemeForest Files Included | Layered PSD, PHP Files, CSS Files, JS Files |
Columns | 2 |
Documentation | Well Documented |
Layout | Responsive |
Tags | blog, blogfolio, clean, gallery, internationalized, magazine, multiple skins, portfolio, post format, responsive, seo, seo optimized, slideshows, translation ready, video blog |
Preview/Demo Link : Link
Download Link : Link
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