Friday, April 15, 2016

IIT JEE Main and Advanced Syllabus

Integration using trigonometric identities.Evaluation of simple integrals of the type Integral as limit of a sum.

The duration of online access is for the course period.

These books have been written by leading authors like Resnick, Halliday, J D Lee, Solomons, Fryhle and adapted as per the latest JEE Main & Advanced syllabus for 2016 exams.. Both JEE (Main) Paper – I (B.E.

Indian Institute of Technology Joint Entrance Exam – IIT JEE Syllabus 2013 :. If you need any assistance we are more than happy to help.. To clear the Joint entrance exam is not an easy task. Q) Should child join different tuition for boards? Does the coaching institute    helps   in board preparation.

IIT JEE Chemistry-Atomic Structure Video Lecture – 6. IIT JEE Physics-Wave Video Lecture – 3

Subject Number of questions Marks per question
Physics 30 4
Chemistry 30 4
Mathematics 30 4
Total 90 360
. The anion steals the electrons from the cation.. The Application provides detailed syllabus of both JEE Main and JEE Advanced Examination.Key Features :-JEE Main Examination Syllabus:- Mathematics Syllabus. ANSWER KEY TWT BATHC NTPJC MAINS I & II DT.17-01-2016.pdf

JEE (Main) Chemistry Syllabus Section A  Some Basic concepts in Chemistry States of Matter Atomic Structure Chemical Bonding and Molecular Structure Chemical Thermodynamics Solutions Equilibrium Redox Reactions and Electrochemistry Chemical Kinetics Surface Chemistry Section B  Classification of Elements and Periodicity in Properties General Principles and Process of Isolation of Metals Hydrogen Block Elements (Alkali and Alkaline Earth Metals) p – Block Elements d – and f – Block Elements Co-ordination Compounds Environmental Chemistry  Section C Purification and Characterisation of Organic Compounds Some Basic Principles of Organic Chemistry Hydrocarbons Organic Compounds Containing Halogens Organic Compounds Containing Oxygen Organic Compounds Containing Nitrogen Polymers Bio Molecules Chemistry in Everyday Life Principles Related to Practical Chemistry.

IIT JEE Physics-Alternet Current Video Lecture – 3


Unsaturated hydrocarbons contain one or more multiple bonds i.e double or triple bond, between the carbon atoms anywhere throughout the carbon chain.

IIT JEE Physics-Sound Wave Video Lecture – 1. However, preparing for competitive exams focus to understand subject at a deeper level and hence directly contribute to preparation of boards. Previous Year questions deciding role in IIT JEE exam success. continuous X-rays, Moseley’s law; de Broglie wavelength of matter waves..

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