Download RPSC PTI Grade-II & III Admission card 2015 from the link mention below. Ayurved College, Udaipur. 12-12-2014 Revised Results of Senior Teacher Gr II Comp Exam 2011 Preamble & Cutoff Marks (Hindi) List of Selected Candidates (Hindi) Preamble & Cutoff Marks (Science) List of Selected Candidates (Science) Preamble & Cutoff Marks (English) List of Selected Candidates (English) 11-12-2014 Additional Screening Result of Divisional Supd.
Check for your Name and Registration Number.
Department Name:-Â Rajasthan public service commission (RPSC).
Recruitment of Analyst cum Programmer (Deputy Director):. RPSC PTI Grade II/Grade III 2013 Result 2014-15 Merit listing can be found quickly examine under for the Merit listing, Cut Off Marks record up to date under.
Cracking the initial examination of SSC is moderately other from cracking the CSAT/ Civil Service prelims.
-General Knowledge of Physical Education of secondary is for 60 Marks
.Against the said judgment dated 1.2.2012, appeals were preferred and thereupon learned Division Bench decided the appeals vide order dated 30.3.2012 with the following directions :-.
4 affluent:- plentiful
. NIOS 10th Result 2016.The candidate must bring all their original sports certificates/ documents/ application forms etc.
Now, all candidates appeared expect RPSC Grade II & III Results 2015. to be had from similar day of the exam
Paper Second Topic | Marks |
General Knowledge of Physical Education of secondary and senior secondary Level | 60 |
General Knowledge of sports, Physical Education and its current affairs | 40 |
Theories, Definitions and History of Physical Education | 20 |
Education and Games Psychology | 20 |
Methods, Supervision and Organizations of Physical Education | 20 |
Theories of Training and Decisions | 20 |
Science of Basic Physical Anatomy, its Functions and Health Education | 40 |
Entertainment, Camp and Yoga | 40 |
Total | 260 |
Written Exam 2013 Result DeclaredRPSC Junior Accountant & TRA Result 2015RPSC Agriculture Officer(14) 13th Feb Admit Card 2016…. search Anchor textual content containing key phrases “ RPSC PTI Result 2015“. Course, only those possessing BSTC qualifications can be eligible for recruitment on the post of teachers in primary schools. Some times they do not allow the users to open them, we do not know why.
Physical Training Instructor Grade-III: 2858 Post.
qualification can be appointed as Physical Training Instructor, Grade III, particularly for primary teaching, is decided.
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