Thursday, April 14, 2016

TS TET Notification 2016 Telangana Teacher Eligibility Test

Date and Timings of 1st TS-TET:.

Detailed procedure for applying ONLINE is given in the Information Bulletin.. They are quite sure to get selected for Punjab State Teacher Eligibility Test2 2015.

As the examination was taken two months back, the worried candidates are quite concerned. Have a look to get an idea on qualifying criteria..

Telangana TS TET 2016 Notification along with online application form, exam date, pattern & study material is out at :.                                             GOVT.

Those candidates who qualify in TSTET can apply for TSDSC Recruitment Exam..

Candidates can pay the fee through TSonline or Payment Gateway centers between 15.03.2016 to 30.03.2016 and submit online application at the TS-TET website between 16.03.2016 to 31.03.2016..

(ii) Paper II will be for a person who intends to be a teacher for classes VI to VIII..

The Information Brochure OR Prospectus will be available Online at TS TET Official websites

. Kendriya Vidyalaya Pattom Shift I and Shift II invited applications for Vocational Instructor (Yoga, Art, Craft, Dance, Music & Sports), Doctor, Nurse, Computer Instructor, PGT Computer Science, Data Entry Operator, Post Graduate Teacher (PGT), PGT- Bio Tech, Trained Graduate Teacher, Primary Teacher, Malyalam Teacher and Counsellor.

Telangana TET hall tickets 2016 download. 15.03.2016 to 31.03.2016.

-Teaching and its relationship with learning and learner. TS TET Paper-2 English Medium Model Paper 2016 for bellow Subjects by Pavzi Media.

vii) The syllabi for language I and II shall be based on proficiency in the language, elements of language, communication and comprehension abilities standard up to Secondary Level.. Candidates who are attending the final year of their course are also eligible to apply

Please Note : We have Published above recruitment notification is not official, We have published that only for future use and we have published the information on the basis of previous recruitments notification's and it is not official information by the government. Applicants Please Note above information will be update official information after official announcement, Right now it is not official information, Plase use it's for only future reference only and got the job official website to get official information and it is not official, Everyone Can use it for the recruitment reference only
. Candidates who are preparing seriously for the TS Teacher Eligibility Test 2016 this is the good news for those candidates who are hunting for teacher jobs in Telangana state. Application Fee: Candidates have to pay Rs

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