Reasoning [50] English Language [25] General Awareness {mostly related to Banking Industry} [50] Professional Knowledge [75].
Educational Qualifications:. c) Software Development Models. 1 mark will be awarded for every correct answer. Professional Knowledge:. Kinindia had given the detailed and complete syllabus of specialist officer CWE 5 (Common written examination). India and its neighboring countries
S. No. | Sections | Maximum Marks | Â Total Time |
1 | Reasoning | 50 | 120 Minutes |
2 | English Language | 25 | |
3 | Quantitative Aptitude | 50 | |
4 | Professional Knowledge (IT) | 75 | |
             Total | 200 |
 Structure and Pattern of Question papers for IBPS SO examination.
Below is the complete IBPS SO Syllabus for Law Officer, Please read it carefully and start your preparation accordingly! . Pattern of Question papers for IBPS SO examination. IBPS Specialist Officer Syllabus for English. NOTE::This Professional Knowledge syllabus is elongated with a purpose to make you all aware of the entire syllabus. For each question for which a wrong answer has been given by the candidate one fourth or 0.25 of the marks assigned to that question will be deducted as penalty to arrive at corrected score. The ideology of IBPS Exams and IBPS On-line Software Type from of Financial institution jobs and has utterly modified the best way financial institution exams are perceived in India.
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Candidates can discuss with the Exam Pattern for IT Officer, Agricultural Area Officer, HR/ Personnel Officer & Advertising Officer posts given under.
.Paper Pattern for IT Officer, Agricultural Field Officer, HR / Personnel officer & Marketing Officer:.
Reasoning: can be verbal and non verbal
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