Thursday, April 14, 2016

Previous Year Questions & Solutions -Ancient History

English language comprehension. Mimamsa and VedantaNyaya and VaisheshikaLokayata and KapalikaSankhya and Yoga.

Both combined constitute 100 marks (50 each) and are compulsory.  Although one can answer questions from these sections by using one’s common sense without any intensive prior preparation, a book Practical Criticism (Oxford University Press) can be useful in this regard.. Following is the new syllabus and pattern of the Preliminary Examination for those students who intend to appear for Civil Service Examination (UPSC CSE). Date of Examination:  5th, 6th & 7th February 2016.. At the time of creation of the Odisha Public Service Commission the strength of the Commission was three including Chairman. It is fairly unlikely that questions of the playwright’s own meaning or meaning intention will feature strongly in this interplay of interpretation, though the choice of topic may indicate certain possible motives in the context of the times..

India is home to lakhs of persons with disabilities

Paper NameSubjectsMarks
Paper  IOriya Language300 marks
Paper  IIEnglish300 marks
Paper  IIIEnglish Essay300 marks
Paper  VIGeneral Studies I300 marks
Paper  VGeneral Studies II300 marks
Paper  VI, VII, VIII & IXAny Two Subjects from the Optional Subjects300 marks for each paper

Among the many most sought on-line topics is Employment information. If a candidate marks more than one choice for a question, it will be treated as a wrong answer. OPSC Selection board releases notifications towards the filling of vacancies through advertisements in news paper, official website of OPSC like

But here is the cut off marks for you so that you can estimate your result.

(b)  The mangroves provide both food and medicines which people are in need of after any natural disaster


Salinization occurs when the irrigation water accumulated in the soil evaporates, leaving behind salts and minerals.

Eventhough several questions appear very easy, when we start working the key, it took hours for us to come out with the answer key even after using books and Google.. Get correct answers of the wrong questions


(a)  Indian wild buffalo.

Tripura Public Service Commission announced holding Combined Competitive Examination 2013- 2014 for recruitment to 83 miscellaneous posts under the Government of Tripura. 3.   In some areas of farming, receding of ground water table can be checked..

The of the pendleton act through a question did not even mention or essay, state civil.

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